Salad leaves don't just have to be for summer
Win with winter salads

Here's what to grow through the cold months for a fresh and healthy harvest

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Bay tree
What can I do about my poorly bay trees?

Stefan says: You have two bay trees at the front of your house in what amount...

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Winter brassicas
Sow winter Brassicas in trays

April is a busy month in the vegetable garden with all the sowing and planting...

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Moss growing in bare spots between cobbles
What To Do About Moss

For many people, a pristine lawn is paramount but moss is always likely to...

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Sow perennials now
Sow easy blooms for summer

Perennials include some of our best-loved plants and are great value,...

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It’s time to order dahlias!
It’s time to order dahlias!

But which ones to choose and how should you care for them? Now is the perfect...

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care for winter containers
Care for winter containers

The depths of winter can be a trying time, and even with the hardiest of...

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Begonias can be grown in a variety of ways. Pots, borders and even indoors.
The beauty of begonias

Asking someone if they grow begonias is a bit like asking them if they grow...

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Succulents are easy and very tolerant plants
Propagate your succulents

This is a fun job and so easy because succulents such as sedums, sempervivums...

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Geoff Stebbings planting an apple tree
Plant an apple tree

Get one in the ground now and look forward to fruitful days ahead! It’s prime...

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