Grow Tasty Mushrooms

They’re expensive in the shops so have a go at cultivating your own


by Garden News |
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Mushrooms are easy to grow. It simply involves buying inoculated mushroom spawn plugs, or dowels, from seed companies and suppliers, and impregnating a log or other piece of wood drilled with holes. And it’s even easier these days with ready-made kits containing all the apparatus you need to grow mushrooms on the windowsill.

Some kits are bigger and better than others, so it’ll be something of an experiment for you to find out which works best on your windowsill – it all depends on the right conditions for your mushrooms. They may take a little longer than you think, so be patient! The larger the kit, the better, though.

Mushrooms are expensive in the shops – particularly the exotic types such as shiitake and oysters. Growing this way will mean at least three pickings from each kit, saving a good bit of money. From, you can even get rare ‘Lion’s Mane’ mushrooms, a frilly pink type, with a delicate, unusual lobster taste. These come as small plugs to insert into drilled logs, but are more difficult, though, and may take a while to come up.

It’s a fact that too many people are foraging for and clearing wild mushrooms outdoors at the moment, so why not break the cycle and forage for your own at home?

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